I feel a little left out at the moment. Everyone is having a Christmas party of some sort or other and I have never been to one. I’m not sure how it’s different to any other kind of party other than people adorning some questionably festive earrings and the subtle background music involving an alarming amount of sleigh bells. In order to rectify my festive blues I decided to have my own Christmas party. I say party but really it was just an excuse to make some jelly.
You will need (for four jellies):
150ml water
100g sugar
5 sheets of gelatine
400ml mulled wine
100ml freshly squeezed orange juice
Start by putting the gelatine into a bowl of cold water and leaving it to soak. Meanwhile heat the sugar and water together until the sugar has dissolved and then bring to the boil. Once boiled, squeeze any excess water from the gelatine and add to the sugar mix. Stir until the gelatine has dissolved. Pour in the mulled wine and orange juice and then share the mixture between whatever receptacle you feel like and refrigerate until set. A friend of mine had the brainwave to put the jelly into old jars; I quite like the look it gave to the finished jelly.
When the jelly was set I put on some antlers and settled down to enjoy a bit of Bing Crosby. The jelly was cold but because of the wine it warmed you up at the same time; the orange added a twang and sweetness. Please don’t think of this as a lonely party for one; I didn’t end up singing along to power ballads eating icing off of a spoon. Mulled wine and oranges are what Christmas is all about (and Brussels sprouts, turkey and brandy etc.) and when you mix them together, slightly solidify them and use this as an excuse to have what I like to call a ‘Personal Christmas Party’ it can only be a good thing.
ooh yum! i’ve been meaning to get around to making my own jelly and break out of the packet mix mould (literally. haha). this looks lovely 🙂
I have never made jelly before. You have inspired me today. Excellent recipe perfect for Christmas!
Fantastic post – these would make cute little gifts I think, my aunties love mulled wine and are massive kids!
jelly made with mulled wine? that is such an amazing idea! love it!
This jelly looks scumptious. I will have to try it 🙂
Never been to a Christmas party?? Well, they are not much different than other parties. Maybe too many sweets and rich foods. Here in the US, ugly sweater parties have been the rage for a couple years. That is a bit funny to see all the ugly christmas sweaters 🙂
This is so festive – puts everyone if the holiday mood!
Oh yes I would love this. Love mulled wine and jelly too. A perfect and delicious idea!
Yum, this sounds great! I love jelly as I’m always full from a dinner and then dont end up enjoying a dessert as much as I could have… but as they say in America, there’s always room for J-E-L-L-O!
Wonderful festive and fruity there’d certainly be a party going on in your mouth with these lovely jellies
This jelly with wine sounds delicious!
Beautiful, festive jelly! I’ll join you at your Christmas party 🙂
Jelly with wine, now that’s a cool Christmas party! Nice!
MULLED WINE… perhaps my favourite drink this season. I’m sure you will be receiving plenty of invites to parties now after this post 😉
This looks and sounds so interesting…I never had anything like this. I like the color and the ingredients in it. Thanks for sharing this recipe Caroline.
Have a great week!
Hi Caroline! I’ve never tried Mulled Wine before (I’m not much of a drinker) but if I get a chance, I’ll definitely want to taste it! Or I even think that the jelly version is even tastier. It’ll be definitely everyone’s favorite!
Looking good! I find it really hard to get into mulled wine at Christmas time. It’s so damn hot in Australia on Christmas day! I will however have sangria. Close?
I’ve never been to a proper adult Christmas Party too!! On the other hand plenty of kids Xmas parties (they have more social life than me!!). I like your mulled wine jellies, I also reuse glass jars!!
What a lovely idea…and two great flavours! This would be so refreshing after all the heavy foods of Christmas too! Have a very happy holiday! 🙂