I was invited to be on BBC Radio Berkshire yesterday. If you would like to take a listen you can find the link here (it’s since been taken down). It was a great experience and I spoke about all sorts of things but mostly food! I was on from 3pm for 45 minutes so if you only want to hear the food bit you might need to do a little fast forwarding!
Congratulations!!! You are moving up and up. Well done X
Congratulations Caroline! It’s wonderful you get to share your love of food with everyone
Just caught up with the show. Thought you came across really well. Who would have thought your blog would have lead to having a wee chinwag with Tony B? Great stuff Caroline
Congrats and am so happy for you and what more sharing love of food which we all love all the time.
very cool happy for you
congratulations!! that is so awesome!
That’s so cool! Awesome news, really happy for you (:
Super cool…congrats!!!
Very cool! Congratulations and more success!
congratulations! that’s amazing!
Hi Caroline, I just listened your interview and you sounds great! The interviewer on the other hand was fun but with no a real understanding of food (sorry I need to be honest)or mixing flavours. You were very good and patience to keep the conversation going, congratulation!!!!!!!